Our phones are down, and we are working to get that resolved.

You can call DJ Garza 918-629-9983, Jeff Stover 918-629-6978, Mike Cargile 918-344-2904, Richard Trimm, 918-261-7707, Rich Phillips 918-619-5969, Randy Mount 918-694-6924 , Todd Crain , 260-5128 , Ron Stimmer 918-232-5226, Cindy Gowing 918-851-6774. David Stover -918-606-2250

Tulsa Commercial Flooring

Welcome to Grigsbys Commerial Site. Our commercial department has a highly trained and very knowledge staff, with combined sales experience of over 100 years. Jobs ranging from the Eastgate Metroplex (as shown below) to Union Schools, OSU, R.L. Hudson, Bank of Oklahoma and Tulsa Habitat for Humanity.

Grigsby's is a Veteran and Native American owned company. We are fully insured and will provide certificates upon request. Grigsby's is also a member of the National Floorcovering Alliance. This group represents the top floorcovering dealers across the United States in volume and reputation. As a member of this group we are more competitive in the market place. We have a tremendous range of products and look forward to helping you choose what's right for your application.